Biggest Spiders in the World

Biggest Spiders in the World: The world of arachnids is fascinating, and for many, also a source of fear and fascination. Among the many species of spiders, there is one that stands out for its size and impressive appearance: the Goliath birdeater spider, often considered the biggest spider in the world. Found in the rainforests of South America, this massive arachnid can reach a leg span of up to 30 centimeters (about a foot), making it the largest spider in terms of size. Despite its name, the Goliath birdeater does not commonly prey on birds, but it is known for its ability to take down small mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of the Goliath birdeater spider, exploring its characteristics, habitat, behavior, and how it earned its name as one of the most impressive arachnids on the planet.

Biggest Spiders in the World

Find some of the largest Spiders in the World

Giant Huntsman Spider

While the Goliath birdeater spider is widely recognized as the biggest spider in the world in terms of size, there are other species that can also impress with their sheer magnitude. One of them is the Giant Huntsman spider, a massive arachnid that can reach a leg span of up to 30 centimeters (about a foot) and is considered the largest spider by leg span.

The Giant Huntsman spider, also known as Heteropoda maxima, is found in Southeast Asia, particularly in Laos, and is known for its incredible speed and agility. Despite its size, the Giant Huntsman spider is also surprisingly lightweight, weighing only a few grams.

Unlike the Goliath birdeater, the Giant Huntsman spider is not known for being particularly aggressive towards humans. In fact, they are mostly nocturnal and tend to hide during the day, making sightings of these spiders quite rare.

While the Giant Huntsman spider may not be as well-known as the Goliath birdeater, it is still a fascinating arachnid that deserves attention for its impressive size and unique characteristics. Whether you are a fan of spiders or simply interested in the natural world, learning about these incredible creatures can be a captivating and rewarding experience.

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Hercules Baboon Spider

The Hercules Baboon Spider, also known as the Pelinobius muticus, is one of the largest spiders in the world and is often considered one of the contenders for the title of “biggest spider”. Found in East Africa, this arachnid can reach a leg span of up to 23 centimeters (about 9 inches), making it one of the largest tarantulas.

The Hercules Baboon Spider is known for its powerful jaws, which it uses to crush its prey, including insects, lizards, and small mammals. It is also capable of delivering a venomous bite, although it is not considered dangerous to humans.

Unlike some other large spiders, the Hercules Baboon Spider is not commonly kept as a pet, as it is difficult to care for and can be aggressive towards humans. In the wild, it is a solitary creature that spends most of its time in underground burrows, emerging at night to hunt for prey.

The Hercules Baboon Spider has several unique characteristics that make it stand out. For example, it is capable of regenerating lost limbs, a trait that is rare among arachnids. Additionally, this spider has a lifespan of up to 15 years in captivity, making it a long-lived species.

While the Hercules Baboon Spider may not be as well-known as the Goliath Birdeater or the Giant Huntsman spider, it is still a fascinating and impressive arachnid that captures the imagination of many people around the world. Learning about this incredible creature can be a captivating and educational experience, and can help to foster a greater appreciation for the diversity and wonder of the natural world.

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Grammostola Anthracina

The Grammostola anthracina, also known as the Brazilian Black Tarantula, is a large species of tarantula found in Brazil. While it is not the largest spider in the world, it is considered one of the largest tarantulas, with a leg span of up to 20 centimeters (about 8 inches).

The Brazilian Black Tarantula is known for its dark black coloration, which sets it apart from other tarantula species. It is also known for its docile temperament, making it a popular choice among tarantula enthusiasts.

Despite its relatively large size, the Brazilian Black Tarantula is not known to be aggressive towards humans. Instead, it feeds on a variety of insects and other small invertebrates, using its powerful fangs to deliver a venomous bite to its prey.

In the wild, the Brazilian Black Tarantula can be found in the forested areas of Brazil, where it builds burrows to hide and hunt from. Like other tarantulas, it molts its exoskeleton as it grows, shedding its old skin to reveal a larger, more mature body.

While the Brazilian Black Tarantula can be kept as a pet, it requires specialized care and handling due to its size and venomous bite. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the tarantula is obtained from a reputable source, as wild-caught specimens can be stressed and unhealthy.

Overall, the Brazilian Black Tarantula is a fascinating and impressive arachnid that captures the imagination of many people around the world. Whether you are a spider enthusiast or simply interested in the wonders of the natural world, learning about this incredible creature can be a captivating and educational experience.

Goliath Birdeater Tarantula

The Goliath Birdeater Tarantula is one of the most impressive spiders in the world, and is widely recognized as the biggest spider in the world in terms of size. Found in the rainforests of South America, this arachnid can reach a leg span of up to 30 centimeters (about a foot) and can weigh up to 170 grams, making it one of the heaviest spiders as well.

Despite its name, the Goliath Birdeater Tarantula does not commonly prey on birds. Instead, it feeds on a variety of insects, small rodents, and even other spiders. It is known for its powerful fangs, which it uses to deliver a venomous bite to its prey. However, while the venom can cause pain and discomfort in humans, it is not considered life-threatening.

The Goliath Birdeater Tarantula has several unique characteristics that make it stand out. One of them is its ability to produce a hissing sound by rubbing the bristles on its legs together, which is thought to be a defensive mechanism. Additionally, this spider has a lifespan of up to 25 years in captivity, making it one of the longest-lived tarantula species.

While the Goliath Birdeater Tarantula may seem intimidating to some, it is actually quite docile and rarely poses a threat to humans. In fact, many people keep them as pets, although they require specialized care and handling due to their size and strength.

Overall, the Goliath Birdeater Tarantula is a fascinating and impressive arachnid that captures the imagination of many people around the world. Whether you are a spider enthusiast or simply interested in the wonders of the natural world, learning about this incredible creature can be a captivating and educational experience.

Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater

The Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater, also known as the Lasiodora parahybana, is one of the largest spiders in the world and is considered to be one of the largest tarantulas. Found in the rainforests of Brazil, this arachnid can reach a leg span of up to 28 centimeters (about 11 inches) and can weigh up to 100 grams.

Despite its name, the Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater Tarantula does not commonly prey on birds. Instead, it feeds on a variety of insects, small mammals, and even other spiders. It is known for its powerful fangs, which it uses to deliver a venomous bite to its prey. However, while the venom can cause pain and discomfort in humans, it is not considered life-threatening.

The Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater Tarantula is also known for its striking appearance. As its name suggests, it has a bright salmon-pink coloration on its body and legs, which makes it a popular choice among tarantula enthusiasts.

While the Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater Tarantula can be kept as a pet, it requires specialized care and handling due to its size and strength. Additionally, it can be quite aggressive towards humans, especially when threatened or disturbed.

Overall, the Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater Tarantula is a fascinating and impressive arachnid that captures the imagination of many people around the world. Whether you are a spider enthusiast or simply interested in the wonders of the natural world, learning about this incredible creature can be a captivating and educational experience.

Colombian Giant Tarantula

The Colombian Giant Tarantula, also known as Megaphobema robustum, is a species of tarantula that is native to Colombia and other parts of South America. While it is not the largest spider in the world, it is one of the largest tarantula species, with a leg span of up to 25 centimeters (about 10 inches) and a weight of up to 100 grams (about 3.5 ounces).

The Colombian Giant Tarantula is known for its striking appearance, with a dark-colored body covered in bright yellow hairs. It is also known for its relatively docile temperament, making it a popular choice among tarantula enthusiasts.

In the wild, the Colombian Giant Tarantula can be found in the forests and jungles of South America, where it feeds on a variety of insects, small mammals, and other arachnids. Like other tarantulas, it builds burrows to hide and hunt from, using its powerful fangs to deliver a venomous bite to its prey.

While the Colombian Giant Tarantula is not considered dangerous to humans, its venomous bite can cause pain and discomfort. Therefore, it is important to handle these spiders with caution and respect, particularly if you are not an experienced tarantula handler.

Like many other tarantula species, the Colombian Giant Tarantula can be kept as a pet, but it requires specialized care and handling due to its size and venomous bite. It is also important to ensure that the tarantula is obtained from a reputable source, as wild-caught specimens can be stressed and unhealthy.

Overall, the Colombian Giant Tarantula is a fascinating and impressive arachnid that captures the attention of many people around the world. Whether you are a tarantula enthusiast or simply interested in the wonders of the natural world, learning about this incredible creature can be a captivating and educational experience.

Cerbalus Aravaensis

The Cerbalus Aravaensis is a species of spider that was discovered in the Arava region of Israel in 2010. It is considered to be one of the largest spiders in the world, with a leg span of up to 5.5 inches.

These spiders are found in the sand dunes of the Arava region and are known for their unique hunting behavior. Unlike most spiders, which spin webs to catch their prey, Cerbalus Aravaensis spiders hunt by running down their prey on foot.

The Cerbalus Aravaensis is also known for its distinctive appearance. Its body is covered in long, reddish-brown hairs, and it has eight large eyes that give it excellent vision.

Despite their large size and fearsome appearance, Cerbalus Aravaensis spiders are not considered to be a threat to humans. Their venom is not dangerous to humans, and they are generally not aggressive unless provoked.

Unfortunately, like many species of spiders and other arachnids, Cerbalus Aravaensis spiders are under threat from habitat loss and human encroachment. Efforts are being made to conserve their natural habitat and protect these unique and fascinating creatures.

In conclusion, the Cerbalus Aravaensis is one of the largest spiders in the world, with a unique hunting behavior and distinctive appearance. While they are not a threat to humans, they are an important part of their ecosystem, and efforts should be made to protect them from habitat loss and other threats.

Chaco golden-knee

The Chaco Golden-Knee Tarantula, also known as Grammostola pulchripes, is a species of tarantula that is native to the Gran Chaco region of South America. While it is not the largest spider in the world, it is a relatively large tarantula, with a leg span of up to 20 centimeters (about 8 inches).

As its name suggests, the Chaco Golden-Knee Tarantula is known for the golden-orange coloration on its knees and legs, which sets it apart from other tarantula species. It is also known for its docile temperament, making it a popular choice among tarantula enthusiasts.

In the wild, the Chaco Golden-Knee Tarantula can be found in the grasslands and scrublands of the Gran Chaco region, where it builds burrows to hide and hunt from. Like other tarantulas, it molts its exoskeleton as it grows, shedding its old skin to reveal a larger, more mature body.

Despite its relatively large size, the Chaco Golden-Knee Tarantula is not known to be aggressive towards humans. Instead, it feeds on a variety of insects and other small invertebrates, using its powerful fangs to deliver a venomous bite to its prey.

While the Chaco Golden-Knee Tarantula can be kept as a pet, it requires specialized care and handling due to its size and venomous bite. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the tarantula is obtained from a reputable source, as wild-caught specimens can be stressed and unhealthy.

Overall, the Chaco Golden-Knee Tarantula is a fascinating and impressive arachnid that captures the imagination of many people around the world. Whether you are a spider enthusiast or simply interested in the wonders of the natural world, learning about this incredible creature can be a captivating and educational experience.

Camel Spider

Camel spiders, also known as wind scorpions or sun spiders, are not actually spiders at all but rather a type of arachnid known as solifugids. These creatures are found in hot, arid regions of the world such as the Middle East and North Africa, and are often associated with myths and urban legends due to their unusual appearance and aggressive behavior.

While camel spiders are not the biggest spider in the world, they can still reach impressive sizes. The largest species, the Egyptian giant solpugid (Galeodes arabs), can have a leg span of up to 6 inches (15 centimeters), although most species are smaller. Despite their intimidating size, camel spiders are not venomous to humans and are not considered a significant threat.

One of the reasons that camel spiders are often feared is their behavior. They are known for being fast and aggressive, and are often portrayed in media as attacking humans and animals. However, most camel spiders are actually harmless to humans and prefer to avoid confrontation. They are primarily nocturnal and feed on insects and other small animals.

While camel spiders may look like something out of a nightmare, they play an important role in their ecosystems as predators of pests and other small animals. While they may be intimidating, they are generally not a threat to humans and should be respected and left alone if encountered in the wild.

Face-Sized Tarantula

The peculiarly named “face-sized tarantula” is a non-native species of tarantula that can be found in Sri Lanka and southern India, often inhabiting old buildings and mature trees. Interestingly, this tarantula species was only discovered in 2010.

While their bites are not typically fatal to humans, their venom is potent enough to incapacitate prey as large as mice, lizards, small birds, and snakes, which they consume after killing.

Brazilian Wandering Spider

The Brazilian Wandering Spider, also known as the banana spider, is considered one of the largest spiders in the world. These arachnids are found in the tropical regions of South and Central America, particularly in Brazil, hence their name.

The Brazilian Wandering Spider can have a leg span of up to 6 inches and can weigh up to 1.6 ounces, making it a formidable creature. Their bodies are covered in brown or black hair, and they have distinctive red hairs on their legs.

These spiders are known for their aggressive behavior and potent venom. In fact, their venom is considered one of the most toxic of all spider venoms. The venom of a Brazilian Wandering Spider contains a neurotoxin that can cause paralysis and respiratory failure. In some cases, it can even be fatal, particularly if the victim is young or has a weakened immune system.

Despite their large size and venomous bite, Brazilian Wandering Spiders are also known for their wandering behavior. They do not spin webs but instead roam the forest floor, searching for prey. They are particularly active at night and can cover large distances in search of food.

Unfortunately, the Brazilian Wandering Spider has a reputation for being dangerous to humans. In some parts of South America, they are considered a public health hazard, and efforts are being made to control their populations. However, they are also important predators in their ecosystems, helping to control insect populations.

In conclusion, the Brazilian Wandering Spider is indeed one of the largest spiders in the world, and its venomous bite can be a serious threat to humans. However, it is important to remember that these spiders are also an important part of their ecosystems and play a vital role in controlling insect populations. As with all wildlife, it is important to approach them with caution and respect.


What is the biggest spider in the world?

The biggest spider in the world is the Goliath Birdeater Tarantula (Theraphosa blondi), which is native to the rainforests of South America. It has a leg span of up to 30 centimeters (about 12 inches) and can weigh up to 170 grams (about 6 ounces). Despite its name, the Goliath Birdeater Tarantula does not commonly prey on birds and is known to primarily feed on insects, other arachnids, and small rodents. While it is not considered dangerous to humans, its venomous bite can cause pain and discomfort.

Where are the most spiders in the world?

Spiders can be found in almost every part of the world, from the driest deserts to the most humid rainforests. However, the greatest diversity of spider species is found in the tropics, especially in regions with high humidity and rainfall.

The Amazon rainforest, for example, is home to an estimated 2.5 million species of insects and arachnids, including a vast array of spider species. Other regions with high spider diversity include Southeast Asia, Central America, and parts of Africa.

While spiders may seem ubiquitous, they tend to be more concentrated in certain habitats and ecosystems. Some common spider habitats include forests, grasslands, deserts, wetlands, and even human-made structures such as buildings and homes.

It is worth noting that the presence of spiders in an area can vary depending on factors such as climate, season, and local ecology. Therefore, it is difficult to pinpoint a single location as having the “most spiders in the world.” However, it is safe to say that spiders are a ubiquitous and fascinating group of animals that can be found in almost every corner of the planet.