Small African Animals

Small African Animals: The African continent is home to an incredibly diverse range of wildlife, from massive elephants to towering giraffes and fearsome lions. However, among these larger and more well-known animals, there are also a variety of small African animals that are equally fascinating and important to the ecosystem. These tiny creatures, which include rodents, carnivores, and even some small antelopes, have adapted to thrive in their specific environments and play important roles in their ecosystems. From the nimble meerkats to the elusive tree hyrax, small African animals offer a glimpse into the incredible biodiversity of the continent and highlight the importance of protecting even its smallest inhabitants.

Small African Animals

There are many small African animals, Find some of the Little Animals of Africa:


Meerkats are small, social animals that belong to the mongoose family and are found in the southern parts of Africa. They are highly intelligent and are known for their curious behavior and their ability to work together in groups to protect their young and hunt for food. Meerkats have long, slender bodies and are typically around 30 cm tall, with a distinctive black-tipped tail. They have sharp claws and teeth, which they use to dig burrows in the sand and to catch insects and small prey. Meerkats are highly social and live in large groups called mobs, which are typically led by a dominant male and female. These fascinating creatures have become well-known in popular culture, appearing in films and TV shows as well as being studied by scientists who are interested in their complex social behavior.


Springhares are small nocturnal rodents that are found throughout sub-Saharan Africa. They are known for their powerful hind legs, which allow them to jump up to 2 meters in the air when threatened. Springhares have long, soft fur that ranges in color from light brown to gray, and they have large, floppy ears that they use to detect predators. They are primarily herbivores, feeding on grasses and other plants, and they have large, powerful jaws that help them to grind their food. Springhares are solitary animals and are rarely seen during the day, as they spend most of their time hiding in underground burrows. Despite their relatively small size, they play an important role in their ecosystem, helping to control insect populations and serving as prey for larger predators.

Dwarf mongoose

Dwarf mongooses are small carnivorous mammals that are found throughout sub-Saharan Africa. They are part of the mongoose family and are known for their small size, with adults typically weighing less than a pound. Dwarf mongooses have long, slender bodies and short legs, which allow them to move quickly and efficiently through their habitat. They are highly social animals and live in groups called troops, which can range in size from 2 to 30 individuals. Within these troops, there is a complex social hierarchy, with dominant males and females leading the group and subordinate individuals performing various tasks such as hunting, guarding, and caring for young. Dwarf mongooses primarily eat insects, but they will also eat small reptiles, birds, and mammals when the opportunity arises. They play an important role in their ecosystem by helping to control insect populations and serving as prey for larger predators.


Dik-diks are small antelopes that are found throughout eastern and southern Africa. They are known for their distinctive, trumpet-like noses, which they use to make a whistling sound when alarmed. Dik-diks have long, slender legs and short, reddish-brown fur, which helps them to blend in with their environment. They are primarily herbivores, feeding on grasses and other vegetation, and they have a specialized digestive system that allows them to extract the maximum amount of nutrients from their food. Dik-diks are monogamous animals and form lifelong bonds with their mates. They are also territorial and will mark their territory with scent glands located around their eyes and on their feet. Dik-diks are an important prey species for a variety of predators, including lions, leopards, and hyenas, and they play an important role in their ecosystem by helping to control vegetation and serving as prey for larger animals.


Hedgehogs are small, spiny mammals that are found throughout Africa, Europe, and Asia. They are known for their unique defense mechanism of rolling into a tight ball to protect themselves from predators. Hedgehogs have short, sturdy legs and are covered in sharp spines that are actually modified hairs. They are primarily nocturnal animals and feed on insects, small rodents, and other invertebrates. Hedgehogs have a relatively low body temperature and hibernate during the winter months to conserve energy. They are solitary animals and are typically found living alone in nests made from leaves and other plant material. Hedgehogs are an important part of their ecosystem, helping to control insect populations and serving as prey for larger predators.

African pygmy mice

African pygmy mice are small rodents that are found throughout sub-Saharan Africa. They are one of the smallest mice species in the world, with adults typically weighing less than 10 grams. African pygmy mice have soft, velvety fur that ranges in color from light brown to gray, and they have large, dark eyes and long tails. They are primarily nocturnal animals and are active at night, when they feed on insects and other small invertebrates. African pygmy mice are social animals and live in small family groups, which are typically made up of a monogamous pair and their offspring. They are territorial and mark their territory with scent glands located on their bodies. African pygmy mice are an important part of their ecosystem, serving as prey for larger predators and helping to control insect populations. They are also popular pets, due to their small size and cute appearance.

Tree hyrax

The tree hyrax, also known as the western tree hyrax or the three-toed tree hyrax, is a small mammal that is found throughout sub-Saharan Africa. It is one of three species of hyrax, which are small, furry mammals that are closely related to elephants. Tree hyraxes have long, shaggy fur that is typically brown or gray in color, and they have large ears and a distinctive, stubby tail. They are primarily nocturnal animals and are active at night, when they feed on leaves, fruits, and other vegetation. Tree hyraxes are arboreal and are well adapted to life in the trees, with sharp claws that allow them to climb and a specialized digestive system that allows them to extract nutrients from tough, fibrous plant material. Tree hyraxes are social animals and live in small family groups, which are typically made up of a dominant male, several females, and their offspring. They are an important part of their ecosystem, serving as prey for larger predators and playing a role in seed dispersal by consuming and defecating seeds.

Rhinoceros Beetle

The rhinoceros beetle is a type of beetle that is found throughout Africa and Asia. It is named for its large size and the distinctive horn-like structure on its head, which resembles that of a rhinoceros. Rhinoceros beetles are among the largest beetles in the world, with some species growing up to 15 centimeters in length. They have a hard exoskeleton and are typically black or brown in color. Rhinoceros beetles are primarily herbivores and feed on fruits, tree sap, and other plant material. They are an important part of their ecosystem, helping to break down dead plant material and serving as a food source for a variety of predators, including birds and other insects. Male rhinoceros beetles are known for their impressive fighting abilities, using their horns to battle for mates and territory. Rhinoceros beetles are also popular as pets and are sometimes used in traditional medicine.